Thursday, September 6, 2007

My baby's birthday

I can't believe my oldest is 19 today! Yikes!

We are into our second week of school and everyone has been early every day!!! Hurray!! After last year, I wasn't sure that would ever actually happen. It is really great because the kids are really helping out in the mornings. We pick out our clothes the night before. Well, the 13yo just lets me know if everything he plans to wear is clean. Yes, he will be learning how to work the washer and dryer this fall. :) Most nights we are in bed by nine and only once have I had to wake everyone up. Of course that was the morning after the 13yo had a ball game and nobody got in bed before 9:45pm and nobody remembered to set their alarm clocks!

This morning I was out of bread. I have been setting the bread machine every night so we have fresh bread for sandwiches every morning. I was just going to bite the bullet and give everyone lunch money. Not an easy task when they are at 4 different campuses and because of the different grades, they each have a different cost for lunch. This is when my 1st grader said, "Mom, we don't have to have sandwiches, we can put together a lunch of snacks like carrots and stuff". So, on the advice of a 6yo, we made snack lunches! I love it when the kids help out.

Now that they are back in school, I am working on finishing painting the house. I finally picked out a color for the living room. I don't know if I like the actual color or the name the best! Friendly yellow! Now isn't friendly what we want people coming into our home to think?? LOL! Now if I could just come up with a color for our bedroom.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You are a busy woman. I don't know how you do it. I thought of panting my living and dining room recently, but decided that was too much work!