Monday, August 27, 2007

The first day of school

Last night as spent making lunches, making sure school supplies were all together and loading the back of the suburban with more supplies than Wal-Mart!!! And, there will be more to get when my oldest gets home from school as the jr high does not have a specific list. It has to come from each teacher! I think I am just going to open my own school supply store or become a professional supply shopper. I have shopped every two weeks for the last 6 getting things together for 5 kids in school. Whew!

This morning the bread was baked sliced and turned into sandwiches (yes, I am going for mom of the year here!LOL). Breakfast was served. The clothes laid out last night were put on, hair brushed, teeth brushed (I hope *grinning*) and we were off to school. We left early which around here, as I am sure it is true everywhere, the first day of school makes for more traffic than any other day. My first grader is asking me to walk him into class. I am trying to decide how I can do this and still get everyone to school on time and not get into the really heavy traffic when he grabs his stuff, gives me a kiss and hug, and disappears out the door. There goes one! My #5 is starting 1st grade! Mommy moment 'sniff' Then we venture to the next school where it dawns on me as she steps out of the car that #3 child is now in middle school. Another mommy moment - sniff, sniff, tear - On to campus number 3. Oh No! #4 child is now in intermediate school!!!! What is going on here! None of them are that old!!!!! Sudden major mommy moment with mommy wanting to grab all her babies and bring them all back home! But, no. Now it is to campus number 4. On the way, my #2 child reminds me that next year he will be in high school. Well, not if I have anything to say about it! I can keep him in 8th grade forever!!!!! HA! Of course, we all know that is not going to happen. As I started driving to #6 child's pre-K, he starts singing happy birthday...... yep, I am glad I took the day off from work as the tears are flowing. It got even worse when #1 child who is in college and lives with my dad called me and remembered my birthday. Then my husband called to see if I was home. He stopped by and brought me roses and cupcakes.

Needless to say it has been an emotional day! And it is just now 10:30am.....


Sarah said...

Well, happy birthday to you!

I actually picked up Mcdonalds breakfast or the first day of school, guess I need the worst mom of the year award! I usually at leaast make pancakes, but I realized that morning I didn't have any mix!

What a long morning for you, that is a lot to go through in such a short amount of time!

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