Monday, October 8, 2007

Where did September go?

Wow! It is already October 8th! We have put out the Halloween stuff and my #5 child has become a 7 year old. We had a family party on Sunday and the kid party will be later this week.

Saturday morning #3, 4 and 5 wanted to go for a walk and I said okay. When they were not back in a reasonable time I walked outside to discover the neighbors having a garage sale and guess where my little dumplings were...... We now have "new" toys to play with. Next time they ask to go walking, I will check the neighborhood first. LOL.

Not much is going on around here other than just life. Trying to get Christmas shopping done but I am having trouble finding things I want. We already have too many toys and movies out the wazoo. So, I am looking for things that are fun but they can learn from them as well. Nothing like giving myself a challenge!


PJ said...

Christmas Shopping!! I'm in awe. I'm fortunate if I get started before Thanksgiving. (But I did think about it last weekend. Does that count?) LOL!


Sarah said...

Yep, I too have no idea where September went!