Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I just got an invitation from http://diggingforpearls.blogspot.com. I don't know how to do the link with her name. It was an opportunity to join her survey of the 10 struggles of Christian women.

Boy, this really got me to thinking about things.

After all the time on crutches and God teaching me that I do not HAVE to do EVERYTHING. I still struggle with letting others help me. Part of that is the realization of the blessing it is to be ABLE to do things I want/need to do. My youth group got a real boost because I am mobile again.

Did God let my house fall in because I needed help? No. Did God let my children suffer because I needed help? No. Did God let my family go hungry because I couldn't stand in the kitchen and cook? No. Did God take care of the little things by the people in my life reaching out and helping? Yes! He was there throughout all of it and He is still there.

And yet, when another adult offered to handle the painting day in the youth room so I could spend time with my husband on his birthday, it was still hard for me to say okay. But, I did! And for me that was HUGE! Of course, there is that little voice inside of me that keeps saying - she offered so that you would not be tempted to climb the ladder with a brace! But, I also know it was God's way of showing me that I have a support system. Now that I have learned to lean on it a little bit, it is easier for me to lean on HIM a little more often.


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Flores Online, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://flores-on-line.blogspot.com. A hug.

PJ said...

It is interesting to discover how we react to illness, isn't it? Forced inactivity/dependency is NOT fun!!! Glad things are going better and you have time/energy to reflect!!