Wednesday, June 18, 2008

My kid's comments crack me up....

In the car the other night with 5 kids.....

It was late, they were grouchy, I was tired, we were headed home.....

They kept fighting and arguing until I had finally had enough! I spoke in my most authoritative car voice....."The next one who yells or touches another person in this car will NOT go swimming tomorrow. You WILL go to the lake with us but you WILL SIT on the picnic table and NOT get in the water. You WILL NOT EVEN be allowed to wear your swimsuit!" Should've stopped while I was ahead before the swimsuit comment as my 5 year immediately said " we will be sitting there naked, huh"

Yep.....all anger got pushed out by the laughter.


Kellan said...

Oh, I hate when that happens - when I say one line too many and end up having to laugh too - HA!!

Thanks so much for coming by tonight and leaving the very nice supportive comment - I really appreciate it and am so pleased you have been by before. Let me know when you are there, so I can back here to see what is going on with you. SEe you soon - Kellan

PJ said...

My youngest granddaughter always catches me by saying, "That's illegal. You can't just leave a kid like that." Little smarties!!!

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